Safety Initiatives Whether you would like to recognize an employee for outstanding achievement with a nice gift item or you would like to incorporate your logo into a a safety program, there are an array of gift items that can fit your needs. Many manufacturing facilities institute safety programs in order to ensure the employees are handling equipment safety and properly as to not cause undue harm on themselves or other employees. Promotional products such as hard hat stress relievers can be used during training sessions as a fun way to talk about safety and the importance of always keeping their safety equipment on while they are working.
In addition to the training and awareness programs that can be used to teach and update employees on new OSHA requirements, safety apparel, including safety jackets, vests, and headwear, is also available with your logo branded on it. Safety apparel is compliant with state and federal regulated safety codes, and they can be decorated with your company's logo so it creates a one of a kind product.